and so she sued john sleeper clark. i believe she won the case. that is an interesting connection play to win john wilkes booth, the person who shot lincoln had a performance of the same plight. another interesting volume was seven books i have here is the back for free of washington by john marshall. and just going to the share you, this is on the five regular text volumes. and as a list of subscribers, the people that put up the money to have the published. it has also these very nice maps of washington's campaigns. and in ellis volume is quite uncommon. another one that is interesting is edward pollards observations in the north, eight months in prison on parole. and this book was published in late march of 1865 in richmond and is apparently the last book published in the confederacy. i just had this warm restored a little bit by of binder that i used. one of the most unusual books that i have -- i should say, one of the oldest books that i have is aristotle's treatises on politics. it was published in venice pin 1551. .. >>> 2013 marks book tv'