attorneys general roy cooper, martha coakley, doug glanceler, david louie, bill shuty, john smothers and, of course, the fantastic nag staff for their considerable time and effort in organizing our meeting. if you could join me in thanking them for their hard work, we would appreciate it. as we move into our first session i would just remind you that there are written speaker biographies in your materials. so as is our custom rather than providing those introductions orally as they come up, we will refer you to pose biographies to save time, keep introductions short and keep us to the heart of the matter. we're doing to start with the hot topics and best practices round-table, what we're working on, what we're interested in and concerned about. we're going to follow the pattern or the model we established at our winter meeting in san antonio where instead of going around the table alphabetically, the planning committee has identified several topics that we'll be addressing together. i would like to invite hawaii attorney general and massachusetts attorney general to come up front and