that's where quiet john sohus lived. he was probably reasonably shy and reserved. mike taibbi (voiceover): patrick rareman was john's childhood friend. he remembers john as a bit of a mama's boy, and, as he was, a bit of a nerd. john and i both shared a love of "star trek." we would compete with each other, trying to out-trivia the other individual, compare theories about warp speed travel. you guys are middle school kids, and you're talking about warp speed, phasers and-- well, without advanced mathematics, but yes. mike taibbi (voiceover): eventually, john's enthusiasm for science fiction morphed into a passion for another galaxy that was suddenly accessible in the '80s-- computers. and then he discovered love. did you sense a connection between the two of them? i certainly had the sense that they were soulmates. mike taibbi (voiceover): her name was linda. like john, she loved science fiction and fantasy. linda's pal sue kaufman says linda and john seemed to complement each other as opposites often do. he was shy, she outgoing. he was short, she, at six feet, tow