>> for purposes, much like a writer would take a pen name. >> what about the murder of john sohus? entire life, i have always been a pacifist. i am a quaker. i believe in nonviolence. and i can fairly, certainly say i have never heard anyone. >> when i saw that i thought, that was the closest thing to a confession i had ever seen or heard. what did you say, did you kill john and linda sohus? >> i think i said no. >> but you don't say i am a quaker. >> even as clark rockefellers kidnapping case played out in boston, the california investigators were quietly at work building a case for murder. >> basically, we had to do cpr on this case and get it done, and get it running. >> to resuscitate the case, they went back to find those folks who had only suspect one he was calling himself the 13th barrett, christopher chichester. the episcopal truth, where he worked after sunday services. one man remembered chichester, asking to borrow a chainsaw. and now, dana four are told detectives something seem the key evidence. during one of chichester's backyard trivial pursuit parties, she noticed a