. >> rose: john stennis from mississippi. and all those people now he had to say to them we're going to take forward a civil rights program. >> yes, and it's something to watch the newsreels. they're all sitting in a row watching this speech. this is the man they raised to power and he.... >> rose: and he was younger than all of them. >> yes. >> rose: johnson knew that bypassing the civil rights bill that... what did he say about the future of the democratic party in the south? >> well, he said with the second bill... he said with the first bill, you're right, he said "we're turning the south back to the republican party for 40 years. >> rose: and he was right. >> yes. yes, he was. >> rose: how do you decide when to end it? this volume? >> well, you know, the last lines of this book really say that johnson had had all these things that made people dislike him, his rages, his bullying. but he knew he couldn't do this in this crisis and he had kept these instincts under control, vanished, for seven weeks and i said he had done