>> i am john stenson, a member of a pension fund. when it comes to inflation there's only three asset classes that you need to outperform inflation and that's stock bonds and real estate. stock bonds and real estate, in the past 100 years have had returns of 7.5% to 11%. just as simple and best. and they rebalance every year and in the last 100 years of 8.4%. and the investment consultants will have you investing all over the world and high-risk investments like -- especially like phones and emerging markets. it's not necessary to do it. you don't even have to go outside of the united states. in the next few years you'll have a big recession, maybe as big as the last recession. and the safest place in the world to have investments is in the united states. and if you don't believe me, ask warren buffet. >> president stansbury: any other members of the public that would like to address the commission? seeing none we close public comment. anything else before the next item? thank you both. sorry, you got pushed to this month. >> it's qu