the young stewart had two run the full directions to choose from. stay in st. john's, which a given him his outstanding heritage and where he could make a good life because he knew everyone and everyone knew him, or go out into the larger world and make his way there not knowing where it would leave him. uncle stewart chose the latter and we all know where it led him. we know what a difference he made to the whole world. because of his choice, i, as a niese, have always looked to him as a model of integrity, activism and idealism from a time that i was the same page as he was, listening to that radio and beaming out into the night. this is one of his favorite points. the road not taken, by robert frost. two roads diverged in the narrow would and i'm sorry i could not travel both and be one traveler long i stood and looked down one as far as i could to where it didn't at the end. but then took the other has just as fair and having perhaps the better claim because it was cressy and wanted where. the passing had warned them relief about the same. both that morning he wil