or john swinney or whoever else greenhouse picks up the phone and talks to. occasionally he comes through out of the blue. he did an interesting article about the jimmy john's campaign, an interesting portrait of what the industrial workers of a world were doing a fast food workers. for a comeback to the other questions that david raised -- alex. you won't dionne booktv if you don't approach the mic. >> you never told us what a teamster was by the way. [laughter] >> it is a guy that giata cracks the whip. a team of horses. >> we could use it. today is international women's day and that provokes my question. the vibrancy in organizing seems to me, and part of the wars you have talking about have taken place in the health care industry which many people regard health care as a drain on the economy. i regard health care -- the economy. is the growing and sustained industry. you may disagree with its funding and with everything about it but nevertheless it is. and my guess is that a lot of -- there are two reasons why this is happening. one is because it is a grow