let's go in focus to find out with elizabeth macdonald, rich, bill along with john tamny and rick unger. john, you say forget the spending cut blame game. we shouldn't be spending what we are spending? >> absolutely. if ebola is the big risk that people say it is, you want to slash federal spending and you want to do that, because you want to leave as much money as possible in the private sector where it will find innovators in search of a cure. the reality is, innovators like thomas edison do not work for the federal government. seems foolhearty to think we should fund more waste on the way to a cure. >> bill, on the opposite end pup say definitely spend more mon? >> definitely spend more money. the budget of the cdc has in fact more than doubled in real terms after inflation since the turn of the century, but you could also say the same thing about spending on combating terrorism and the harsh truth is, if we want to start either pandemic or terrorist wes have to post sentries on every corner of the bloeb and spend more money developing technology. >> to bill's point, it isn't really