counts and when they are sitting at the table, everything matters and looking at the checkbook, john thown is it right. the fed is pnting money and we are seeing inflation. i am worried about the hyper inflation. >> and margey, what do you say? >> i have gone around the country and talked to walmart moms and they express concern about making their dollar stretch and that's true when prices are going up. that is been stable for the last few years. they are thinking of how much gas to go to the cheaper grocery store and where they're going to have to cut back in they buy for the kids that. is it a rile concern that americans feel and they want to make sure in washington we are hearing the concerns and speaking the language that demonstrates and understands those concerns. >> back to johnath here. i cut you autopsy and i am back to you now. >> if government allowed it to be. energy is it an obvious example. prices for energyos angeles gone up. the pie sick we saw in the 70s and 80s was born in the policy was ford, carter and nixon and administration's prior . we need more get tough congress p