welcome to this segment of summer solutions with me max kaiser an inviting my guest john titus he's a filmmaker he has created the extraordinary film all the plenary as men and john welcome thank you max good beer in the film you outline a devastating portrait of a banking system run amok and become a rogue state menacing the globe with no accountability to anyone you point out that it's equivalent to medieval times when the king can do no wrong in that is meant literally and that's the literal power these banks have right you could prove me wrong show me a bank that's been prosecuted show me bankers in jail when they commit crimes outside of this bank or until there are any iceland ok but there's no iceland banks in the cartel right the cartel is all predominantly you can merican in big european banks and that is on a list that's up there in the bank of international settlements and the. the the financial stability board they are saying this list of protected banking cartel members right they call systemically important financial institution in those banks are literally above the law