we hear jim fallows and john ullyot coming back to the american people and saying the american people have to be more engaged. >> i think he's absolutely right on that point. i think you're seeing 20 new members of congress who have served in the military who are younger generation, in many cases iraq and afghanistan veterans. by them being in there that's more than we've had in recent years, and that is a really good step forward. to fallows' point we need more people with military experience who are willing to go into congress and participate in these decisions about when we use force. >> woodruff: ambassador jeffrey, it's still disturbing this larger point he's making that so much blood and treasure have been in effect spent in iraq and afghanistan and that entire region over the last decade plus and he makes the point that the american image values have all taken a big hit despite that. >> they certainly have taken a hit, judy, but again, that isn't because the military didn't take down saddam in a few weeks. it did. it isn't because the military didn't drive the taliban and al qa