. >> another author with a book coming out is eerie and brooks and john watkins. >> free-market revolution. from the executive director of the ireland institute and they really argue to pull themselves off of the brink of the economic crisis we should revert to the libertarian principles of and rand. >> finally, one more book we want to ask you about from palgrave macmillan. >> editor -- the largest spanish-language daily newspaper in the u.s. and has written a book called killing the american dream which argues against the anti immigration policies in the u.s. saying we are not only courting ourselves economically by losing contributions to social security and income tax but we experience a brain drain. >> is this a book that will be published simultaneously in english and spanish? >> only at english-language publisher. >> we are talking with michele fitzgerald of palgrave macmillan. we are here at book expo america which is the book publishing industry's annual convention in new york city. >> you are watching in ginger the worm -- for book expo america. the publishing industry annual tra