are murder is therefore they're a class of serial killers and i think ben bernanke you might be john wayne gacy tony wayne gacy the killer clown really very. good the clown charitable events and perform for children and he ended up actually. using that as a cover to murder thirty three children john wayne gacy to show up at the kids' show writing stars like there was only one animal and while he'd be out there going to get to the backyard this is ben bernanke this is the us dollar absolutely this is going to act as contributions to society this information was just part of the small software this is the bailout money call this is the fastest this is going to close. let's look at something that is zero hedge found a correlation that might or not might not prove mark foggers assertion ninety one point three percent correlation between food stamp usage and the s. and p. or how wealth effect equals poverty effect so you see the white line in this chart that's food stamp usage the increase in the united states since two thousand and nine and the yellow line is the s. and p. . oh yeah well that's rig