eveven still, her famed d early explorerer, john wesley popowe, warned d that combibining arid d withilizaation woululd eventuallyy lead too a crisis.s. the relentless mararch towardsds progress s led to the 1922 colorado river compact t and other agreemenents among 7 american and 2 mexican states to divvy up the water. it transformed o one of the world's wildldest rivers, capabe of crereating grand canyons,s, d inlaland seas, into the momost dammed, , dibbed, and diveverted rivever basin in the world. machines supporting the needs of 30 million people. agriculture, induustry, urban ggrowth, mining, energy prproduction, claw for their share. soso much so, , that the m mighy colorado river of today rarely, if ever, reaches her delta in the gulflf of california.. with populations in the region expected to reach 50 million by 2050, tetemperatures r rising, d precipitation patterns becominig more erratic, demamand will outpace supply unless we embrace a a new water ethic, one that questions not only how we use water, butut how it affects the world around us. >> " "watershed" is a a film t