>> good afternoon, john william templeton. san francisco is the most segregated construction market in the country. the are about 120,000 construction workers in area, only 600 african americans from san francisco working in the industry and the proposed project labor agreement would make it worse. there's a new class of litigation that looks at the impact of public policy on creating equity that uses the 1981 ku klux klan act. and to move forward on this without adequate public representation and comment is going to leave the city with exposure on that and a number of other issues so we urge you to take the time to make sure that all the perspectives of ending discrimination in the industry are taken into account. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> thank you, board of supervisors, my name mr. jacobs for civil rights in the san francisco bay area, we represent women and minority owned firms. we urge you to vote no on item 28 regarding fast tracking the project labor agreement ordinanc