i want to bring in john wily, an aviation expert, a pilot here. she said that the pilot radioed the off-duty pilot on the ground refuel, radioed the helicopter and said you've got a fixed wing coming up on you. what does that say to you? >> well the thing that surprised me is that they said that the right wing struck the helicopter first. so if you've got the helicopter here, this airplane is coming up, i originally thought it was going to be the left wing. but with the airplane coming up in this position here, striking the right wing, separating the right wing, taking the rotor off of the helicopter, the guy in the fixed wing probably never saw the helicopter, he's coming up from behind the helicopter. his friend tried to radio and call him. the guy in the helicopter didn't see him either. see and avoid, you can't avoid what you don't see. >> boy, oh boy. also, just from the press conference, they're saying that the aircraft, the airplane, is registered in pennsylvania, that they believe teeterboro was just a stopover to pick someone up, they did