they want access to the upper echelon and john wolcot said, your sources, the value of your sources, are directly proportional to the level of writing. he says, if you want to know what's going on in a war, don't go to the headquarters and talk to the top generals. talk to the staff sergeants, talk to the lieutenants on the ground, and they'll give you the truth. that's what these guys did. they went and talked to people who are patriots, who were willing to talk and tell the truth. >> just an interesting fact because you're very partisan if i can put it that way, but you put up a new committee, a new endeavor a long with a lot of prominent republicans, david frum, george w. bush's speech writer, whose access of evil speech was one of the lines that sort of justified the wars. what are you doing and how does he like this film? >> well, you know, he hasn't seen it yet, but i think he will like it. i have found myself in the last year and a half becoming very good friends with principles republica republicans. for the first time you're seeing the really principled republicans and democ