. >> governor barbour, i know my senior senator, john wyden teamed up to give states more flexibilitywith their own plans. the president, yesterday, seemed to embrace that con cement. i'm curious from all three of you, is that far enough? is it helpful to give you the earlier out at 2014, and if not, what should we be doing? >> of course, the devil's in the details, but the things that concerns me, the things in the statute we are told, the states will still have to do, and governor patrick has been talking about and answer your question about how his costs didn't go up and people didn't drop insurance. well, massachusetts already had a very, very expansive man.areo benefits package. rural states don't, and if we get saddled with a benefits package like massachusetts, that's why our employers will drop coverage because it will -- their premiums will skyrocket, so if it doesn't give us relief from that and similar things, it's really not much help. >> governor herbert? >> well, again, as i mentioned earlier, how flexible is flexible? clearly, there's not absolute flexibility. this is n