. -- john yee. he will do it. skipping schools is flat-out wrong. i represent every one of those teachers. the teachers who will be skipped and those who will not be skipped. we are not asking for special favors. we are asking for equality for all of those people and justice for all of those. four board members to do it is wrong. proposing it is wrong. it makes the proponent no better than our need duncan -- arnie duncan, and the winners and losers this administration says it despises. stability in the zones is not achieved by the stabilizing other schools. professional development in these tunes -- zones is lessened when it is not available for the others. when you to social justice for some, you choose social justice for non-. to rely on benchmark tests, which you have heard referred to as "data," which have not been validated, is indefensible and is not even smart. the principal who stood here and told you he had to hire 15 teachers and then five teachers -- those were not because of layoffs. he admitted those were not because of layoffs. so do n