. >> that is john yingling, still owns and operates a pizzeria called spiritus pizza in provincetown. he was a central figure in my life and now a respected elder statesman in provincetown. >> can you see progress year-by-year? in terms of how you present the material that you see? >> somebody asked me, what other documentarians are influential to you? and the answer is none. we spend a lot of time looking at dramatic films, foreign films, classic films. particular eye towards storytelling, timeline, editing. we use those as reference points and inspiration. for instance, steven soderbergh's "the limey." a really interesting structure as far as its timeline. it keeps falling back on itself. we are always looking to use a device like that. >> so you watch that and say, you have to see this. it is really interesting. or does somebody just watch that and incorporate it? >> i will be watching wong kar wai, and i meet with my crew, and say i want that look. the lush camera angles, the movements. we are all film nerds. it gets us excited. they go out and watch wong kar wai films, and we tal