this understanding of the constitution somebody who really likes torture john yoo author of the contentious bush torture memos and member of the bush administration of course wrote an op ed in the wall street journal called anti war senator war powers president now in this piece he spoke in depth about president obama's decision to initiate attacks on libya without the consent of congress and a backhanded way you even congratulated obama for his actions by saying that the president is just doing what the founding fathers would have wanted it is not just the endorsement you want now you also called out democrats were keeping quiet on obama's actions while they would have been outspoken had a former president george w. done the same thing to which i say well unfortunately i kind of agree with you there because we haven't heard enough democratic voices calling out the president on this one but then he ends the article would be very strong words he says the constitution centralize the management of war in a president precisely to avoid the delays and mistakes of decision making by committee all