even my home state of massachusetts and every time i go to do one of these programs like the johnny appleseedf the sentence for the book. john has been there ahead of me and set up these marvelous institutions in the states and its remarkable when you've done to promote the book culture not only here in the nation's capital but throughout the united states and i am pleased and honored to be put to work with you and this is by the way for myself john and i became acquainted with one another just ten years ago right after my first book came out and john invited me down here to give a talk at the library of commerce and here we are ten years later tomorrow night. so really a tip of your great efforts. >> let's talk about the one leading promotion around the country. what is that, john? >> it's something the start on the center of the book dead right now it is the hottest of the reading promotion ideas. it started in 1998 in seattle with the project from the washington state center for the book which is the seattle public library. it was called at all of seattle read the same book. and the idea w