johnny devenanzio: playing] there's been a focus on renewable energy since the 70s, but now companies large and small, even luxury brands like bentley are now reducing their carbon footprint. why do you think this push has taken place? because it's the right thing to do. it's the most economical thing to do in a lot of cases. annete said: wind energy is the most contributed renewable energy source to the grid today and the cheapest. it's a little bit cheaper than solar. johnny devenanzio: wow. there was a big backlash 40 years ago because a lot of people felt that it was intrusive and it-- and they didn't like-- - intrusive how? you can barely see these things. annete said: but they do paint them white to alert birds. johnny devenanzio: flyers. for the birds. i still think, though, instead of painting them white, if you want to scare birds away, you should paint them to look like cats. that's probably one of the best ideas i've heard so far. not just a pretty face. [music playing] narrator: past th