. -- johnny isaacson from georgia.e has been a thoughtful and voc champion of housing and of veterans, and you have a long bio in your packet that you can realize, but nothing substitutes to listening to the man himself. so welcome, senator. thank you very much. [applause] >> well, thank you very much. it's an honor to be here today, and i want to pay tribute to the national housing council for their focus on an issue that's dear to my heart. i was in the real estate business for 33 years selling residential houses, renting residential houses and building resident can cial houses and working with veterans because i started right next to dobbins air force base making fha and va loans in 1968. so it means an awful lot to me. i also want to pay tribute to the home depot foundation and the home depot company. their commitment to our veterans and their commitment to housing are unparalleled in the united states, and the first lady is here today, liz blake, who i understand was honored last night. she's the first lady of hom