sacramento, early '90s i'm performing with a comedian named johnny ray.ficers inside the bedroom of the condo, and he says carlos tell these guys that you know me. a woman had seen johnny ray, a black man standing on the balcony. oh, my gosh! >> stephanie: oh my god. police response time 0.3 seconds -- >> black man on a balcony, i'm there! >> we can't experience what black people experience. my roommate told me many stories about being pulled over just because. >> stephanie: yeah, i can totally see that. [ banjo music ] >> stephanie: all right. get down off of the balcony. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and you are right. we all have friends that have a million stories like that. who was the caller earlier that said he was ant white guy. he was hispanic. which i don't know what the point was there? he identified himself as a white hispanic. >> yeah, his daddy looked like me, and he was a judge. >> south american with an american sir name. >> his father is white his mother is from like peru. >> yeah that is like classifying -- saying trayvon was guilty because he