i remember years ago when we were doing dangerous lady as a television series, and johnny woods who directedver read, martina, where it was just like reading a script. it was like reading a shooting script." he said, "you don't have that much description, but what you have is in how people talk and how they react with each other." he said, "i think that shows." i don't have reams and reams of, you know, if they have long hair or... do you like some of the bent people that you meet? yeah, i mean, very enigmatic. so many people are very enigmatic, you know, and i think people can go either way, you know, and i think more and more the lines are becoming blurred because of what's happened with with bankers and what's happened... it's a very blurred line now between who people actually think are criminals — people say, you know, "oh, he's a bit of a lad," or "he's a rogue," but the man that'sjust took everybody‘s money in the bank, i think they have a completely different impression. well, that's an interesting philosophical question, isn't it? in betrayal, i mean, you're back in this territory t