accused of te- using hundreds of thousands of dollarr in donations to cooceal hhs affair witt a johns exxlainswards's right-hand man said on the standd standd it's been yearssbut you can -- still see the anger and pain &pin cherr young, whoseehusband andrew, was once john edwards's right and man,, fundrriser and fixer. at one point, she was soobing so much the judgg had to send the juuy out after mms. young explained ppblicly how sse reacted when shh was ttlddthat edwards to make a false claim that he - was the father of a child with edwards mistress, rielle hunnerr the first thingginnmy &pmind was how in the worlddmr. &pthing of us. she said. at first, she aid absslutely not. but right before the iowa caucuses she sat in on a conference call -- edwards, the regnant rielle &phunter aad cheri young's husbannd mr. edwards was board. he started in wwth he campaign. this is it, this is ourrtime...over and mentioned he didn't want his -3 wife elizabeth, hoohad been &prediagnosed with cancer, to find out. cheri young said shhe decided to go along with the cover-up because if she didn't, the edwards