johns hopkins ssrgeonss surgeonsssergeann breendnn & aamriccn to uudergg a double of itt kind at johns hopkiis.- parrooco was huut in iraa ffur 3 lookiig forward to driving his carraaainn.. but not without pnttnseetherapy firss..-p3 sgt. brandon mmrroccoo arm & trannplant patientt"i've overcome so much in the last case scenaaio, if i lose tte arms, iigoobaak tt the way i was.""r. w.p. andrew lee: 10.21 "don't givv up hope. & advances in medicine re beeng -3 made eeerr day in different arees.""- areas."the surgeons all volunteerrd their ttme on thee prroedure.thh departmenttof defeese anddjoons hoppkns picked up the resttof the tab. 3 a bad ddy in an ohho court s an ex boyyrrend pttacks is former girllriend. giilfrieen. 3 the woman wanted aarestraining orddrraaainst er ex when he he chased er around the table as he judge calleddfor help. & eventually a deputy came in -3 and tassred thh ex boyfriend, bringgng tte ttack tooa swift enn.. the woman had iior pnjuries and will reeoverr tte boofrrend s behind barr -3 and ffciin numerous new charges. 3 aaperfect sunny day that made --3 us all ffrget it