. >> james, johnson casey seran, brian hopper. >> yes. good afternoon. my name is james spingola. i work for a developer for the west mission. this morning, i wanted coffee, and i sent a young man that i knew from the western addition. i don't know if you know line maps, but i actually took a picture. can i just put it under there? >> well, i don't know. >> well, i took a picture. he was actually standing them up. i said what are you doing? he said i have a job. so just the expression on his face, and saying he had a job. i have to give kudos like line bike who came into the community. i looked up and jobs were out there, so when you have a young men, 18 to 24 year old, actually being able to get up and go to work every day and happy about having a job, that is my passion. i am a san francisco native, born and raised in the western addition, and i spent all my time in the trenches down there. the more jobs we can give to these young people, the better we are. if line bikes brings jobs to the community, then we should support what they do. it's not everybody that comes in with acti