mark: avoiding the problems at the polls in 2015, ohio' s secretary of state jon husted is focusing on poll worker recruitment for this year' s presidential election. you might remember the problems at more than 80% of hamilton county' s precincts, in november. most of them stemmed from the new electronic sign-in system. for voters. husted says his office plans on not only helping local counties recruit workers, but train them as well. lisa: the u.s. defense secretary ashton carter will be in fort about national security. secretary carter elaborated on the president' s state of the union speech, reiterating that the nation' s defenses are strong. he also thanked the soldiers for their role in protecting the u.s. at home and abroad. >> security is like oxygen. when people have enough of it, they tend to pay no attention to it. but when they don' t have enough, it' s all they can think of. you provide that oxygen, not only for the people of the united states, but in many cases, for people around the world. lisa: about 1800 soldiers from the post will deploy this year to iraq and kuwait.