name. >> -- jon kabat-zinn. >> dr. jon kabat-zinn. who is william james. >> he is spoken as of the father of american psychology. >> here's a quote from him. the faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention over and over again is the very root of judgment, character and will. that means the power of voluntarily bringing back and focusing it. the wandering attention. no one is in possession of his faculties if he have it not. an education which should improv theaculty would be the education power excellence. but it is easier to divine this ideal than give practical instructions for bringing it about. you do give a lot of practical instructions to bring it about. yes, this is a demonstration of william james' lack of awareness of what buddhist meditation is all about. it is only 2600 years old at this point. so it was around but he didn't have access. but isn't it interesting, the emphasis he puts on the requirement to be able to concentrate and to focus. exactly. >> now, do you find that because of the high tempo of the a