we're back with jon meacham. occasionally advises president biden. mark mckinnon is here as well. jon meacham, david brooks arrives at almost the exact conclusion that you sort of displayed for us about what he was trying to do. how do you sustain that? >> it is the great question facing the republic, and, again, it is not a joke. that's it. i mean the biden view, as david put it there, is that perpetual warfare is not a sustainable governing strategy. and i understand why a lot of people find that to be a vision that is incommensurate with the reality on the republican side. one of the problems we have in this country, and it could possibly be a fatal one, is that we don't have two functioning parties. this is not the both sidisms, one of our besetting sins. it is not true. i get in arguments with conservative friends a lot when they say, well, yeah, the capitol, but what about portland, you know, or what about, what about, what about. well, one party sustained -- created and sustained a lie that led to the most