. >> jon porter from valley view farms is here to answer the plant and gardening -- john purdue from valley view farms is here to answer the plant and gardening questions. -- this is one of my favorite shrubs. it is small and very colorful. is a very first tile plant. >> let's go to the questions. >> but more than likely it is because of black spot, a disease that it is very susceptible to. the only thing to do is to treat it with fungicide. it is hard to get rid of once it is there, but keep the leaves cleanup as they drop off, or picked up -- or pick them up. roses for the most part are high maintenance. there are new ones that are very disease-free, very easy to take care of. >> that is my kind of roads. -- rose. >> you can get rid of the bugs. mix a little soap in a bottle and spread it on. it could be almost anything. the plant is outside and it takes something up. but just a little soap and water should take care of it. >> thanks, appreciate it. if you have a question -- >>> up next, the maryland lottery numbers, and another check of your insta-weather-plus forecast. most for h