sot - jon swartz san francisco bureau chief , tech - @jswartz "he went after jeff bezos and apple andk zuckerberg over a building the wall comment, which is not politically smart if you want to have support in the tech community etc. " "in fact other than peter thiel, who is famous for investing in facebook, no big tech figures here are for trump, clinton has mark cuban, zuckerberg, etc etc even meg whitman who is traditionally a republican" >> gabe:in 2010 silicon valley was really devidid between obama and romney this time around it's different. "sot - jon swartz san francisco bureau chief , tech - @jswartz "the valley is more united in what they want, they want someone intellectually curious clinton is intelligent and wants to learn, trump has shown no interest in this area. which says a lot about your knowledge of one of the biggest industries in the world." and if you'd like to connect with gabe slate. you can add him on facebook, follow him on twitter. or email - slate-at-kron4-dot- com. we're following election results as they come into the newsroom. we'll have the state by sta