. >> jon tester 11. >> a lot of what you have shown isn't shown because of the increased awareness for better or worse of political correctness. what is the future of cartooning. it seems to me cartoonists are very wary of striking that dangerous note. >> cartoonists, many conventional, old-fashioned cartoonists who died definition were not conventional people are worried that it is the disappearing profession, fewer and fewer people make their living from old-fashioned pen and ink cartoons. i agree with you, not for better or worse, for worse, political correctness, can't be worried about that and make your statement to the world whether you are a cartoonist for a politician or anything else, but language counts. you have got to take the consequences if you use language which is offensive to other people and there are some real problems there. bob grossman who did the baby lincoln cartoon was an old monocle cartoonists, starting out, his first job out of college was as an assistant to the new yorker cartoon editor and he would pick some of the cartoons and he told me he would never dr