i want to say thank you to jon tester who is here to speak on this subject, not only as a senator from a state that will be impacted by climate change but as a farmer himself. we'll ask senator tester to speak as soon as the opening statements are completed. with that i turn this over to ranking member senator wicker to give his opening remarks. >> thank you, very much, mr. chairman. i know it's our first hearing together as a subcommittee. i want to thank all of our witnesses for being here today. first witness and the panel that will follow. as we discussed the impact of climate on farming, fishing, forestry and hunting, we must not neglect the effects that draconian climate regulations would have on these industries. yesterday as part of the president's climate action plan, epa administrator mccarthy announced new rules to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. these would have little effect on the climate but the rules would have a negative effect on all energy users including, farmers and fishermen who are the focus of today's hearing. the president's costly