joining me now is jon walker, a senior policy analyst with "fire dog lake," a progressive news site. been covering the ongoing fight when the feds and the state when it comes to marijuana policy. jon, according to the latest quinnipiac polls, legalizing pot is showing similar numbers to support of gay marriage. is pot the new gay marriage? >> yeah, well the polling for pot and gay marriage is remarkably similar, and it has been that way for years. both have seen a 20% increase in support in the past decade, and both are subject to the same demographic divide. as the old people die out and get replaced there has been a sea change in how people support the issue. >> michael: we talked with christine pelosi about how quickly the evolution of gar marriage has happened has it been the same with marijuana? how do you compare the two? and do you see the same timing in the evolution? >> well, you know, ji understand you saying that they are different issues but the way they are perceived by the public is almost identical when you are talking about who supports them. it is very much in the sa