. -- jonathan abererman ofmplifier ntures and kasra kangaoo of "wasngton n business joual." t's start wi uber. jonathan::f you havemployees you have tprovide benefits. it will change the business margins. but it is a business that dependenon shiftin things that othther companies have as expenses onto other people. that is one of the hallmarks of the sharing economy. from society's perspecte, i would arguthat it is better for people to be e workining at a ple where they have access to that bruce: does thiruli potentially spreread beyond california? will firms like uber and lyft popcorn to core and kindness in e golden state? kasra: it would take an act congress to put in a new rule that would make what happened in californiapread beyond that.t. the chance of that happening, not very high, i would say. bruce: loss like this generally are a state-by-state issue. jonathan: microsoft, for years, relied on using contractors to boost their profits. this is not a new game. it is something, franck lay, technology companies do as a matter of course. have a company with a 0 billion doll