jonathan boston showed the video to his father. his father is a retired army colonel. >> i was shocked. they were getting attacked and probed every day. heavy attacks by enemy forces. >> bleak but the platoons -- -- they fought up and down the valley, sometimes calling in airstrikes on the houses they were in. >> we dropped 861 bombs with few questions asked is what a senior official said. some said "lessons learned." >> was that confidential? >> yes. >> they did not want to to see this? -- want you to see this? >> win we had it, they did not -- when we had it, they did not fight back. they talked to us. >> why did the father want you to see it? >> his son was killed. he thought the investigation was a whitewash. the investigation blamed this on the local afgani police commander who was in collusion with the taliban and helped engineer the assault. the original investigation said that this incident should not make future commanders think twice about going into enemy territory. he made a whole slew of mistakes. -- saw a whole slew o