opportunities to knock people beside the head and club them in the knees if they have to. >> jonathan capehart, mob talk there thanks, jonathan. you sound like the godfather -- what is it, godfather, you love, respect or fear, can you have respect when there is no fear? but we are going to play that snl clip, too, where they kind of spoofed the president on this laundry list of things he wanted to do and some say still maybe behind the curve on it. >> one of the things, so fired up about this, heard on the hill, they described, this is the white house nobody fears this white house, no consequence if you cross them. what is the consequence for cross the president on the olympics? valerie jarrett says the olympic committee promised us something but didn't deliver. no should be waging war today against whoever crossed them on this should be much stronger against mcchrystal for speaking out about the troops, health care, who as far dragging their feet. if the white house is not respected, continue.to get double crossed. >> david schuster, i know in a fight whose side i'm on, bridging the heat. >>