joining me now is lieutenant colonel jonathan conriques, an international spokesperson. i just spoke to a woman whose family has been slaughtered, one of many families killed near oz. she was saying of the people who lived near on saturday, about one-fourth of them have been killed in this attack. is that kind of the numbers you are hearing as well? >> yes, hello. thank you for having me on. those are, unfortunately, also the numbers that i have. it varies from community to community, but many other communities, that's the proportion of the israeli civilians that have been executed in their homes by hamas. >> reporter: and it's important to point that out. these are executions. these are not people getting caught in crossfire, getting killed by a rocket and shrapnel. this is gunmen, killers, coming to houses, breaking in, breaking into safe rooms, throwing gas into safe rooms, shooting babies, killing mothers, that's what this is. it's looking people in the eye and killing them. >> yes, this is as up close and personal as you can get. and i think that the level of hatred