american healt insurance marketre too very diffent things. >> ifi: and the final point from you, jonathan gber. i think this is exactly the kind of conversaon we need toave more of in the closing weekof this debate and recognize the trade-offs. the key int is we need the money to make heth insurance affordable for low-incom people. this is a wiwin solution at can raise the moneynd control heal care costs. i think it critical that it be parof the final health care package. >> ifill: if you canet it passed. >> absolutely. >> ifill: ank you both very much. >> thank y. >> you bet. thanks, gwen. >> ifill: next, e supreme court visits the constition's confrontation clause. margaret warr has that story. >> warner: sev months ago, the high court red 5-4 that crime lab resultcannot be used in a trial less the analyst who prared those results teifies, and is subject to crosexamination. today, theourt took the issue up again, in arug case from virgia that's remarkably similar to lasyear's. the fference between them may come down to who's sting on the benc for more, we're ined by marcia coe of the "nation