jonathan golub stays with wilson. this is bloomberg. ♪ tom: good morning. "bloomberg surveillance," francine lacqua in queen victoria street in london, tom keene here in new york. deutsche bank at an all-time low -- says it all, doesn't it? francine: yes. and there is downward movement to a lot of these european banks. they kind of move in tandem. deutsche bank has extra issues, because investors are trying to figure out what they stand for and what their market is. we also have the agm a little later on this week. us fromathan golub with credit suisse -- of course he will not speak about a competitor, but he will talk about use of cash. share buybacks are enormous. do they slow down at the margin or do share buybacks continue? jonathan: they do continue, but i think we are misreading this. share buybacks are being driven by the fact that these companies are generating massive free cash flow from their businesses. the fiction that companies are borrowing cheap cap it and jamin up stock prices are false. will