, we hear them flip flopping, as you just showed, showed, with lindsey graham siding with vladimir putin. one other thing, jonathan. >> yeah. >> the un vote for the. first time, you see the united states of america voting with russia, north korea and iran. yes, in answer to your question, it changes the diplomatic world in where we've been for the last 80 years. >> one more question on this, and i have to ask you about what's going on here in new york. the likelihood that the next step from president trump in the trump administration is to withdraw american troops from europe, from the big base at ramstein in germany. >> i'm very concerned about that. i'm very concerned what he will say on tuesday night at the state of the union. you know, it is everything is up in the air here. you know, this guy is clearly not with our allies. just think about what he's done in the first month or so that he's been in the office, all of our allies he has dealt with as adversaries, all of our adversaries he's dealt with as allies. it just makes no sense. and i don't think that the american people will stand up for that. and i thin