and i just want to start by tanking-- thanking my guess, jonathan hickham to do this and i'm excited about it. i do want to start with icatn ba been a little bit of media hype about the lower versus bruni fazal fun meet. i hope they disagree on some things but i really invited them here for hopefully a more wide-ranging talks on food and its primacy in i think all of our lives so we are going to touch on food as it weaves to their books in their lives in the world right now. and again, because i am jewish a don't want anyone disappointed so i'm telling you right now there might not be blood on the floor. so, let's start with the fact that if i'm going to make a broad generalization, frank, your book made me want the eat, and jonathan your book made me want to stop. and that is an oversimplification because obviously you have done some battles with food, but someone is going to say to you where do you think someone is left in terms of the take-away on food and live. i notice a big question but what you think the take-away is for each of you? >> i was hoping you were going to ask him.