don't miss that one. >> so you're publishing both the bush institute and jonathan kozel? >> that's correct. we do both sides of the aisle. we publish barack obama, we publish george w. bush. we publish a bit of everything for everyone. >> so what's the policy book that's coming out from the bush institution, bush institute, and who wrote it? >> it's, essentially, a series of essays from well known economists, nobel prize winners about how we can achieve 4% growth. it's, essentially, a blueprint for our economy. president bush himself has written a forward to this book. he's very, very excited and eager for this book to get out, so look for this one. it's the first book from the bush institute, so there's going to be a lot of noise this summer about it. >> so it's coming out before the election? >> before the election, yes. so that 4% solution can be thrust into the dialogue this fall. >> and i wanted to ask you about one other thing that crown is doing, it was just in politico that crown is doing more politically-oriented, instant e-books. >> we've got to feed the instant