i began doing that before the edward snowden case. >> jonathan landay, thank you for being here.s most recent piece is "obama's crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of u.s." when we come back, i eat and slurred joins us to talk about the body of the world. [♪] [music break] . [♪] [music break] >> music by daniel summers. he was the iraq war veteran who killed himself on june 10 after blaming the u.s. government. the song is called "country fear." >> we spend the rest of the hour with someone who has fought tirelessly for women's rights here and around the world, eve ensler .. she is the creator of "the vagina monologues" and v- day, a day dedicated to stopping violence against women and girls. out with aer are is new memoir called "in the body of the world: a memoir." she shares her painful relationship with her body and how it has changed, from being raped by her father, to battling anorexia, to being affected by the turn cancer. she writes -- he's enstar is here with us in new york. we are also joined by kristine- good deschryver, a congolese rights activist. she and eve wil