jonathan mann, jonathan mentioned, inclusion does seem to be a problem, inclusion and acceptance for muslims in france. meanwhile, francois hollande is goi going to be holding an emergency meeting. in a speech to the nation earlier today, he called for national unity. take a listen. >> able to block with these value, unity, uniting with all forms, that is what our response must be. we must unite against this, and we will win because we have all the capacities to believe in our destiny and nothing can make us move away from this determination. let us unite, long live the republic, long live france. >> now, hollande met with religious leaders wednesday, hours after the shooting. two prominent muslim clerics strongly condemned the attacks. >> in the name of prophet? their prophet is satan, unfortunately. >> truly islam condemns assassination, condemns murder, condemns taking the lives of those around you. truly. and we are absolutely horrified. we are stunned. >> "charlie hebdo" printed depics of the