former quarterback jonathan mcnab had his number 5 jersey retired. it was under reed that mcnab led the eagles to the appearan appearance. >> very special. the exciting part of this whole deal is a lot of former teammate haves come back, my family and friends are here. it's one that wea we're all takg in together. we were there throughout the duration of the years. i have grown and a big friendship and guys that were close to our family and responsible for six of those that are out there. and so now had the special day and be here and it says a lot. >> you know how philly fan cans be. what reception do you expect tonight? >> a warm reception. i will be warm for them as well. every up with is asking me if i wrote a speech. i want to go from the heart. i think it's only right for ten or 11 years in philadelphia to tend it off the right way. >> you signed your career with andy reed and it was andy reed. what does he mean to you. >> it means a lot. a lot of guys that are patient and also build around me and feel confident that i can be the guy that faces